2024-2025 Attendance Policies
2024-2025 DISD Illness/COVID Protocols
What Types of Absences May Be Excused?
* Child's illness or injury (Parent Note – up to four days)
* Family Emergency (Approval from student's Assistant Principal)
* Death of a Family Member (Funeral Home Program or note from the Funeral Home)
* Doctor or Dental Appointments that cannot be scheduled before or after school hours (healthcare provider letter required)
* Religious Holy Days
* Court Appearances (Court receipt required)
* DMV for Learner Permit or Drivers License (DMV receipt required)
* College Visit (Must be on college letterhead)
* Citizenship ceremony/appointment (DHS letter required)
How to Submit Excuse Notes
According to Dallas ISD Policy, parents should turn in an excuse note within 3 days of returning to school.
There are THREE WAYS to Submit a Note:
* Excuse notes can be submitted by Fax 972.502.4401
* Excuse notes can be submitted via Email to woodrowattendance@dallasisd.org
* Turn in your NOTE in person.
Excuse Notes Must Include:
* Student Name
* ID Number
* Grade
* Date of Absence
* Reason for Absence.
* Click here to download a blank excuse/absence note (optional).
Turn Around Time:
* 8 - 10 Business Days
* Please do not submit duplicate excuse notes as this will delay the process.
How to Submit Excuse Notes for Career Institute Students:
Contact: Career Institute Campus - kmosqueda@dallasisd.org
Missing School for College Visits:
Juniors and seniors receive 2 days a year for college visits. These days are exempt from the Texas state attendance law meaning they are given an "S" and not an "E" (meaning excused and still count toward the days for credit).
After you have used your 2 days per year, your absence will be given an "E" (for Excused) and count toward compulsory attendance. Documentation from the college admissions office must be provided.
Upcoming Events*
Click on events below to view details:
Red = Main Calendar
Green = Athletics
Blue = Visual & Performing Arts
Purple = Academic/Testing
Orange = Clubs/Extracurricular
Pink = Seniors
- Wednesday, March 12
- Thursday, March 13
- Friday, March 14
- Monday, March 17
- Tuesday, March 18
- Thursday, March 20
- Monday, March 24
- Wednesday, March 26
- Thursday, March 27
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