

Alvarado-Hernandez Joselito jalvaradohernandez@dallasisd.org LOTE FLOAT
Anderson Katie lkanderson@dallasisd.org Fine Arts 1221
Atwell Chelsea catwell@dallasisd.org Counselor 1011
Beaird John jbeaird@dallasisd.org Fine Arts 1220
Berry Martha mberry@dallasisd.org ELA 2215
Bhakta Nemisha nbhakta@dallasisd.org Assistant Principal  
Bowens Jeffrey jebowens@dallasisd.org Science Intructional Coach 3220
Britt Jessey jebritt@dallasisd.org ELA 3227
Burdick Anne Marie aburdick@dallasisd.org Math 2109
Camacho Bernardo bcamacho@dallasisd.org Science 3226
Carver Brandon bcarver@dallasisd.org Engineering 2013
Casas Sanmartin Ana acasassanmartin@dallasisd.org Math 2103
Chambers LaDarius ladchambers@dallasisd.org PE/Electives 1401
Chavez Abel abchavez@dallasisd.org JROTC 1206
Coipel Denzel dcoipel@dallasisd.org Science 3209
Connell Sarah sconnell@dallasisd.org Inclusion Teacher FLOAT
Cox Ryann rgvist@dallasisd.org ELA 3211
Craven Rhonda Rmcdonald@dallasisd.org Math 2003
Davis Christina chridavis@dallasisd.org Math 3001
Dennis William wdennis@dallasisd.org Orchestra 1501
Durham Eugenia eudurham@dallasisd.org Fine Arts 3105
Echchergui Anna asifford@dallasisd.org S Studies P15
Elliott Fredrick felliott@dallasisd.org Engineering 2005
Estes, Jr. Daniel bestes@dallasisd.org Athletic Director 1401
Everett Kiersten kieverett@dallasisd.org RTI/504 Coordinator 1001
Evetts Christopher cevetts@dallasid.org Band Director 1501
Ferguson Aaronia aaferguson@dallasisd.org ELA Instructional Coach 3220
Fraley Rachel rfraley@dallasisd.org ELA 1406
Garrison Daniel dgarrison@dallasisd.org Engineering 2201
George Sanju sangeorge@dallasisd.org Inclusion Teacher FLOAT
Gielink Christopher cgielink@dallasisd.org S Studies P14
Gilbert Michelle MGilbert@dallasisd.org Business 3109
Goodroe Matthew mgoodroe@dallasisd.org Science 1203
Graham Jessica jesgraham@dallasisd.org ELA 2216
Graves Alexandra algraves@dallasisd.org ELA 2209
Gray Teresa tegray@dallasisd.org Deaf Ed FLOAT
Guh Hsiao-Huei hguh@dallasisd.org LOTE FLOAT
Guerra Kelly kguerra@dallasisd.org Science 3219
Gustafson Laurie LGUSTAFSON@dallasisd.org ELA 3218
Hacket Stephen shackett@dallasisd.org S Studies P12
Haden Ayabavi ahaden@dallasisd.org Science 1105
Hall Sheri sherihall@dallasisd.org Counselor 1011
Harris jr jimmy jimharris@dallasisd.org PE/Electives 1302
Hathorn Ty thathorn@dallasisd.org S Studies 2211
Hearne Robert bobhearne@dallasid.org S Studies P16
Hendrickse Valerie vhendrickse@dallasisd.org Special Education Library
Hendrickson Marile mhendrickson@dallasisd.org Business 3111
Henry Taylor tahenry@dallasisd.org ELA 3225
Hill Micah michill@dallasisd.org Engineering 3201
Hilliard Dionne dhilliard@dallasisd.org Reconnect Library
Hinz Walter whinz@dallasisd.org Math FLOAT
Hlavaty Emma ehlavaty@dallasisd.org Science 1207
Holloman Adrian aholloman@dallasisd.org PE/Electives FLOAT
Horan Michael mhoran@dallasisd.org Math 2113
Hunter Henry hehunter@dallasisd.org Inclusion Teacher FLOAT
Irby Robert rirby@dallasisd.org Math 3003
Johnson Kristen kristejohnson@dallasisd.org ELA 2213
Johnson Reginald regjohnson@dallasisd.org JROTC 1206
Joyal Kristine kjoyal@dallasisd.org S Studies 3007
Kelemen Russell rkelemen@dallasisd.org PE/Electives 3009
Khan Sidrah sikhan@dallasis.org S Studies P13
Korschun Miranda mkorschun@dallasisd.org Fine Arts 1101
Lagunas Daniela llagunasfigueroa@dallasisd.org LOTE 3205
Laird Katie kastanton@dallasisd.org Special Education FLOAT
Land James jaland@dallasisd.org ELA 1402
Le Thao thaole@dallasisd.org Math 2001
Lewis Ida idlewis@dallasisd.org Science 2217
Lonon Cymone clonon@dallasisd.org Math 3005
Luna Juan juluna@dallasisd.org Math 2111
Lundberg Matthew mlundberg@dallasisd.org ELA 1201
Lynn Linda llynn@dallasisd.org Test Coordinator 1201
Malynn Darsie dmalynn@dallasisd.org LOTE 3203
McCaffity Michael mmcaffity@dallasisd.org S Studies P9
McClellan Jonathan jmcclellan@dallasisd.org Math 2115
McCoy Anthony anthmccoy@dallasisd.org Special Education FLOAT
Miller Brandon bramiller@dallasisd.org S Studies P8
Mitchell Cedric cedmitchell@dallasisd.org Administrator 3116
Monday Terri tmonday@dallasid.org Business 3101
Mount Samuel smount@dallasisd.org ELA 3213
Mundlin Blythe bmundlin@dallasid.org ELA 2222
Nibert David dnibert@dallasisd.org S Studies P6
O'Connell Melinda (Mindy) moconnell@dallasisd.org Science P3
Ortiz Nilda nortizramos@dallasisd.org Deaf Ed FLOAT
Osborn Misty miswilson@dallasisd.org Math 2011
Owens JJ jerowens@dallasisd.org ELA 2207
Dr. Palms Courtney cpalms@dallasisd.org JROTC 1206
Pavageau Jenci jpavageau@dallasisd.org Fine Arts 1211
Peel Stephanie speel@dallasisd.org ELA 3217
Pena Tito tito_pena@hotmail.com LOTE FLOAT
Reyes Monica moreyes@dallasisd.org Fine Arts 1215
Reyes Joseph josephreyes@dallasisd.org S Studies P11
Rinaldi Jessica jessicagarcia@dallasisd.org LOTE 3207
Dr. Ritchie Kelly kritchie@dallasisd.org IB Coordinator 1005
Roberts Patricia "Lori" proroberts@dallasisd.org ELA 2220
Roub Nathan nroub@dallasisd.org Deaf Ed FLOAT
Ruiz Michael micruiz@dallasisd.org Administrator  
Salzman Michael msalzman@dallasisd.org Math 3103
Sambrano Consuelo csambrano@dallasisd.org Fine Arts 1215
Sankararaman Aparna asankararaman@dallasisd.org Science 2221
Schubert Elizabeth eschubert@dallasisd.org Math 2101
Sim Steven stsim@dallasisd.org S Studies P7
Smith Scarlett scbaldwin@dallasisd.org Deaf Ed 1209
Stevens Michael micstevens@dallasisd.org Inclusion Teacher FLOAT
Stewart Elizabeth estewart@dallasisd.org LOTE FLOAT
Stolar Paul pstorlar@dallasisd.org Science P2
Thomas Sara sarathomas@dallasisd.org Science 1011
Tolleson Terry ttolleson@dallasisd.org Engineering 2205
Townsend Dina dtownsend@dallasisd.org Administrator 1009
Varner Brook bvarner@dallasisd.org Science 1205
Vega Mari marivega@dallasisd.org Business 3112
Washington Patrick wwwhsbball@outlook.com PE/Electives 1113
Wendel Eric ewendel@dallasisd.org Science P1
White Bobby bobwhite@dallasisd.org Deaf Ed 1213
Whitehead Tony twhitehead@dallasisd.org S Studies P5
Whitfield Tamara tambrown@dallasisd.org Counselor 1011
Whitten Lisa lwhitten@dallasisd.org ELA P4
Williams Deborah deborawilliams@dallasisd.org Science 3222
Wilson Cori coriwilson@dallasisd.org Science 3223
Wilson Gerald gewilson@dallasisd.org S Studies P10
Work Sierra sihood@dallasisd.org Special Education 1107
Wright Catherine catwright@dallasisd.org Fine Arts 2105

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